Place: Menina planina & Kamnik, Slovenia
Date: September 10th - 11th, 2022
Competition: PreO + TempO, WRE (World Ranking Events), Slovenian PreO Championship.
Organizer: OK Trzin
IOF Event Adviser: Ján Furucz
Event Manager: Mateja Keresteš
Course planner: Krešo Keresteš
Classes: Elite (O - open, P - physically challenged, J - juniors), A
The terrain of the PreO competition is a pre-alpine pasture. The path is a good gravel road.
The terrain of the TempO competition is the area of a school, a dorm, and a rehabilitation center. The area is paved and adapted to disabled people.
Saturday, September 10th
Sunday, September 11th
Competition Center on Saturday (Dom na Menini planini, Menina 1, 3342 Gornji Grad; GPS: 46.262 N, 14.819 E)
Competition Center on Sunday (CIRIUS Kamnik, Novi trg 43 a, 1241 Kamnik; GPS: 46.219 N, 14.612 E)
Recording system: Control cards with punchers and SportIdent for time keeping on the course will be used. ANT system will be used for time controls and on TempO stations.
Entries: Until September 1st! Eventor for the Entries in Elite class: PreO (Day 1) and TempO (Day 2). for the entries in the A class and PreO training.
Entry fees:
Entry fees for the entries after deadline will be 50% higher and accepted not later than September 7th.
Payments for entry fees can be made only by bank transfer.
At payment by bank transfer please write in the purpose of payment your name or your club name if the payment will be made for the whole team.
Please, bring the proof of the payment to the Competition Centre where you will receive the receipt of payment.
Make a payment only in euros to the following account:
Account holder: ORIENTACIJSKI KLUB TRZIN, Motnica 15, 1236 Trzin, Slovenia
IBAN: SI56 0313 1100 0191 189
Bank: SKB banka d.d.
Prizes: Practical prizes for the best in each class. Medals for the best Slovenian competitors in Elite class.
Kraj: Menina planina & Kamnik
Datum: 10. - 11. september 2022
Tekmovanje: PreO + TempO, WRE (Svetovna rang lestvica), Slovensko PreO prvenstvo in Slovenska PreO liga 2022.
Organizator: OK Trzin
IOF kontrolor: Ján Furucz
Vodja tekmovanja: Mateja Keresteš
Traser: Krešo Keresteš
Kategorije: Elite (O - odprto, P - invalidi, J - mladinci), A
Teren PreO tekmovanja je predalpski pašnik. Pot je dobra gramozna cesta.
Teren TempO tekmovanja je obmoÄje šole, internata in rehabilitacijskega centra. Vse površine so utrjene in prilagojene invalidom.
Sobota, 10. september
Nedelja, 11. september
Tekmovalni center v soboto (Dom na Menini planini, Menina 1, 3342 Gornji Grad; GPS: 46.262 N, 14.819 E)
Tekmovalni center v nedeljo (CIRIUS Kamnik, Novi trg 43 a, 1241 Kamnik; GPS: 46.219 N, 14.612 E)
Beleženje odgovorov: Uporabljeni bodo kontrolni kartoni in luknjaÄi ter SportIdent za merjenje Äasov na progi. ANT sistem bo uporabljen na Äasovnih kontrolah in TempO postajah.
Prijave: do 1. septembra! Eventor za prijave v Elite kategoriji: PreO (1. dan) in TempO (2. dan). za prijave v A kategoriji in PreO trening.
Za registrirane tekmovalce OZS bo startnina nižja, 12 EUR (Elite) in 8 EUR (A).
Štartnine za prijave po roku bodo 50% višje in jih bomo sprejemali najkasneje do 7. septembra.
PlaÄilo štartnine lahko opravite le z banÄnim nakazilom.
Pri plaÄilu z banÄnim nakazilom prosimo vpišite v namen plaÄila svoje ime ali klub, v kolikor bo plaÄilo opravljeno za celo ekipo. Prosimo, da potrdilo o plaÄilu prinesete s seboj v tekmovalni center, kjer boste prejeli raÄun.
PlaÄilo opravite na naslednji banÄni raÄun:
Prejemnik: ORIENTACIJSKI KLUB TRZIN, Motnica 15, 1236 Trzin
IBAN: SI56 0313 1100 0191 189
Banka: SKB banka d.d.
Nagrade: praktiÄne nagrade za najboljše v vsaki kategoriji. Medalje za najboljše slovenske tekmovalce v kategoriji Elite.